Fire Update: Thursday, June 15, 2023
Some fire activity was spotted yesterday on both fires. In the mid-afternoon on the Hat Rock Fire, a flare-up was spotted near the SW corner of the original fire. It was quickly extinguished by crews and kept within containment lines. A similar situation occurred on the Mt. Hebron Fire – the fire made a small run on the West side within the original fire footprint. Crews engaged and stopped further fire progress. Extinguishing flare-ups immediately is a priority for crews as prevailing winds continue to be a potential instigator for the fires finding new life.
OSFM Green Team assigned to the incident remains committed to a successful transfer of the contained fires back to local jurisdictions. IC Lance Lighty stated, “Our job is not complete until we have confidence in the lines holding. Crews have been tested with unfavorable weather conditions and dry fuels, but favorable weather and the hard work of crews is putting us on a successful path to complete fire containment.” Crews worked throughout the day and night to build upon existing containment lines around the entirety of each fire. Work is continuing to protect buildings near or in the fire perimeter by providing 100’ containment.
OSFM continues to work in coordination with the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) in firefighting efforts. Helicopter bucket drops were utilized in the Juniper Canyon area where rugged terrain held hot spots. ODF has also a provided hand crew, two dozers with personnel along with a Unit Leader from the Pendleton Unit to coordinate ODF support.
Infra-red flights yesterday gathered vital information and a better visual on the full scale of the rapid fire growth that occurred on Tuesday. The flight records heat signatures inside the fire perimeter as well as giving us a better look at the size of the fire. The data is being used to coordinate crews and engage them in priority areas. Updated numbers are now estimating acreage to be 15,843 acres for the Hat Rock Fire and 370 acres for the Mt. Hebron Fire.
Evacuation orders are still in effect for a portion of the Hat Rock fire. Please refer to the Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page: